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Host-Pathogen Interactions and Mechanisms of Immunity

Mechanisms governing host-pathogen interactions. Advances in understanding responses to infectious viruses. Effective immunity against bacterial pathogens. The generation of robust innate and adaptive responses to vaccinations. New insights into the molecular and cellular basis of autoimmunity.

Modern Immunology is an enormous and ever-evolving field. From immune mechanisms at the fetal-maternal interface, to improving immunity in older adults, we review impactful selections from the latest breakthroughs in immunological research.

Cognitive Function and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Advances in understanding the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. New insights into Parkinson’s disease. How exosomes and other small molecules contribute to disease pathology and may yet be utilized as biomarkers or therapeutics.

Research in Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration moves quickly. Topics in this exciting field include the study of energy utilization in metabolic processes that regulate cognitive function, to organism-wide effects. From new research detailing how myeloid cells regulate neural health, to metabolic changes that drive cellular programming during responses to injury, to the critical roles of the vagus nerve and gut-brain axis in regulating inflammation in distal organ systems. Join us for impactful selections from the latest breakthroughs in neurobiological and neurodegeneration research.

Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiac Healing After Injury

Advances in understanding responses to myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury. IGF-1 and other soluble factors in the regulation of Atherosclerosis. Cardiac resident macrophages and immune cell contributions to cardiac repair. Insights into cardiac remodeling.

Advances in cardiovascular disease and cardiac healing research include stem cell-mediated, cytokine-mediated, and scaffold-based approaches to restoring relevant cell populations and tissue function. Join us for short-form eLearning content, bringing you impactful selections from the latest breakthroughs in cardiovascular research.

Stem cell programming and stem cell based therapies

Mechanisms of stem cell-based wound healing and tissue regeneration. The regulation of cellular programming and checkpoints mediating cellular differentiation. The control of pluripotency and stategies to harness cellular polarization. New methodologies to utilize stem cells in tissue restoration after injury.

Stem cell based therapies hold tremedous potential in improving human health. From replacing cells with genetic damage, to rejuvenating aging tissue toward a more youthful phenotype, many believe stem cells hold the key to restoring cellular, tissue and organismal homeostasis. Join us for selections from the most impactful research in stem cell biology today.

Inflammation and Inflammatory Diseases

Mechanisms governing tissue repair. Advances in bone and cartilage regeneration. Signaling pathways controlling Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis, and others. The generation of new tissue through stem cell applications and the methodologies driving innovation in these approaches. Controlling "Inflammsome" complexes. New insights into the molecular and cellular basis of autoinflammatory disorders.

From insights into juvenile arthritis to aging-associated inflammation, known currently as "Inflammaging", we present impactful selections from the latest breakthroughs in inflammation research. Join us for fresh mechanistic insight into relevant signaling pathways, cytokine biology, inflammasome functions and more, in our in-depth eLearning content.

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